embracing the journey
Life has shown me how little control we humans really have sometimes; relationships end, jobs lay off, pandemics hit; things can change in seconds. Life has also shown me the inextricable beauty that comes with this limited control – the power of embracing that path of least resistance and accepting that it’s not our job to figure out the ‘how’ behind getting what we want.
When we lean into this surrender, when we release all the things that aren’t for us to figure out, we can focus on the one thing that is: our health.
And it’s time we understand that feminine health looks different.
my journey
Hey! I’m Kaity–a dedicated cycle syncing educator who is passionate about helping women understand themselves through the lens of their own menstrual cycle.
My journey into this space began five years ago when I got off the pill. At first, I just wanted to heal my gut. I was reading the book “The Mind-Gut Connection” by Dr. Emeran Mayer, when I first learned how birth control affects your brain; limiting emotional capacity, influencing decision-making processes, altering your body’s stress response, and more. I never took the pill again.
I started making small lifestyle changes to support my gut health: eating more whole foods, staying consistent with daily movement, and re-regulating my stress levels.
Little did I know, when you heal your gut you heal your hormones.